Bosch CP4 pump failure total fail big problem

bosch cp4 failure problem

    It’s always frustrating to finally get your hands Bosch CP4 on a brand-new car or truck (or at least, new to you) and find out there’s something wrong with it and common problem is Bosch CP4 fuel pump failure. It’s even more frustrating to learn that not only are you not alone in your suffering, but that it’s a common problem to your vehicle. I bet that every single one of you reading this had at least one or two things about your own car pop into your head that you wish the manufacturer would fix.

    Every generation of every major diesel car has at least a few things that immediately get replaced upon purchase and one is Bosch CP4 pump fuel beast ; at least, you should take a long, hard look at these things before you get too far along in your ownership. We wanted to start looking at these common Bosch CP4 pump problems and give you advice on what to do to take care of it. Check back every month for a brand-new installment. And if there’s something you think we absolutely have to cover, let us know!

regulator problem after pump fail

     To kick things off, we’re going to look at something that’s very near and dear to our hearts: the CP4 fuel pump injection on 2009-present diesel engines. Frend, where to begin? People have taken a somewhat hyperbolic approach and refer to the CP4 as a time bomb, among other colorful terms. The thing is, they’re not too far from the truth. Even if you have a 100 percent stock car, there’s a really high chance that you’re going to be on the receiving end of a 5000 EUR invoice when it finally goes out on you and destroys your entire fuel system.

So what’s going on here? Well, as with most things, the blame lies in the fact that the Bosch CP4 replaced the old reliable CP3 as a cost-saving measure. See, the newer model trucks have more efficient piezoelectric injectors, which means they require less fuel to run properly. Sounds good, right? The problem is that with less fuel volume comes less lubrication of the components in the pump. Adding to the trouble is the fact that the ultra low-sulfur diesel we have in the EU has less lubricity than elsewhere in the world.


Add all these things up and it’s literally just a matter of time until your CP4 pump fails. As I said before, it can be catastrophic when this happens, because not only will it destroy the injectors, but it will leave metal shavings in your fuel lines (which is impossible to fix without replacing the entire system) and can even in rare cases crack the gear and throw it through the engine’s front timing cover.

Price is obviously an issue for all this, and the cost is going to fluctuate based on how serious you get. As stated, simply adding fuel additives is the cheapest option, with prices ranging from around four dollars for an eight-ounce bottle up to 50 bucks for a gallon. Once you start adding components to the engine, prices go up considerably. 

valve problem common rail

    Now that you’re equipped with this knowledge, it’s time to make a decision. Do you wait it out and hope you get lucky or do you defuse the time bomb?

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EJBR01801A EJBR02101Z
EJBR02201Z EJDR00001Z
EJDR00002Z EJDR00101Z
EJDR00201Z EJDR00202Z
EJDR00301Z EJDR00401Z
EJDR00402Z EJDR00403Z
EJDR01001D EJDR01101D
EJBR01201Z EJBR01401Z
EJBR04101D EJBR01601Z
EJBR02601Z EJDR00501Z
EJDR00503Z EJDR00504Z
EJDR00601Z EJDR00701D
EJDR00801D EJBR03101D
EJBR05101D EJBR05102D

Предлагаме части за дюзи делфи клапанчета разпръсквачи мотор 1.5 дци дачия рено нисан delphi 9308 – 621c (9308-618c) DACIA – Logan 1,5 dCi FORD – Focus, Transit Connect, Tourneo Connect – 1,8 TDCi Mondeo, Transit – 2,0 TDCi Hyundai Accent 1.5 CRDi , TERRACAN 2.9 Transit 2,4 TDCi RENAULT – Clio, Kangoo, Megane 2, Scenic, Modus – 1,5 dCi KIA – Carnival, Pregio, Bongo, Frontier – 2,9 HPDi SSANGYONG – Rodius, Rexton – D27DT NISSAN – Almera, Kubistar, Micra – 1,5 dCi CITROEN – C3 1,4 HDI SUZUKI – Liana 1,4 Ddis ; Jimny 1,5 Ddis JAGUAR – X400 2,0 TDCi MERCEDES C200, C220,E Klass

смарт инжектор делфи

Ремонт на дюзи pompi reciklirane Продавам дюзи бош помпа denso Рециклиране на дюзи делфи сервиз Рециклиране на гнп Ремонт на дюза Сливен Велико Търново Петрич Русе Разград Монтана Ремонт дюза Плевен Ловеч Пазарджик Кърджали Хасково Ремонт дюза Ямбол Ремонт дюза Добрич Ремонт дюза Шумен Ремонт дюза Видин Ремонт помпа Петрич Русе Плевен Ремонт помпа Ловеч Пазарджик Кърджали Ремонт помпа Хасково Ремонт помпа Ямбол Добрич Шумен Видин Denso Стенд дюзи Рециклиране сервиз софия електроника Диагностика автомобил dizel serviz видин VP44 VP30 VP33 Bosch Common Rail High Pressure Pumps

R01401Z R01701Z R02101Z R04101D Renault Kangoo Modus Clio 15c DCI K9K700&704&710
R01801A R01801Z Nissan Almera 15 DCI Micra 15 DCI Renault Clio2 Kangoo Megane2 Scenic2 15DCI 15DCI K9K702&710&722&728&729
R04201D EJBR04201D Mercedes C200 C220 E200 E220 CDI CDI
R00501Z EJDR005001Z Ford Mondeo 20c TDCI Jaguar X400 130HP
R00502Z EJDR005002Z Ford Mondeo 20c TDCI 115HP 115HP
R00503Z EJDR005003Z R00504Z EJDR00504Z Mondeo phase4 20c TDCI 130HP 130HP
R02201Z R01601Z R01302Z Ford Focus connect Transit 18c TDCI 18c TDCI
EJBR02301Z EJBR02801D Hyundai Teracan 29c CRDI Kia Carnival 29c CRDI
EJBR03101D EJBR05101D EJBR05102D DACIA Logan 15c DCI 06 NISSAN Note 15 DCI 06 RENAULT Mégane2 Modus Scenic2 Thalia SUZUKI Jimny 15 DDIS 05
EJDR00501Z R00501Z FORD Mondeo 20c TDCI JAGUAR X400 130HP
R00502Z EJDR005002Z FORD Mondeo 20c TDCI Engine 115HP
R00503Z EJDR005003Z R00504Z EJDR00504Z FORD Mondeo phase4 20c TDCI Engine 130HP
R02201Z R01601Z R01302Z FORD Focus connect Transit Engine 18c TDCI
R00101Z R00301Z EJDR00 101Z EJDR00301Z FORD Mondeo3 Engine 20c TDCI
R00701D EJDR00701D FORD Mondeo3 JAGUAR X-type Engine 22c TDCI
R00401Z EJDR00701D FORD Mondeo3 20c TDCI 01 Transit 20c TDCI 01
R00202Z R00402Z EJDR00202Z EJDR00402Z FORD Mondeo3 20c 16V TDDI&TDCI 00
EJBR02301Z EJBR02801D HYUNDAI Teracan 29c CRDI 01 KIA Carnival 29c CRDI 01
EJBR03902D R03902D HYUNDAI Teracan 29c CRDI 06 KIA Carnival 29c CRDI 06
R00501Z EJDR005001Z FORD Mondeo 20c TDCI JAGUAR X400 130HP
R00701D EJDR00701D FORD Mondeo3 JAGUAR X-type Engine 22c TDCI
EJBR02301Z EJBR02801D HYUNDAI Teracan 29c CRDI 01 KIA Carnival 29c CRDI 01
EJBR03902D R03902D HYUNDAI Teracan 29c CRDI 06 KIA Carnival 29c CRDI 06
EJBR03101D EJBR05101D EJBR05102D DACIA Logan 15c DCI 06 NISSAN Note 15 DCI 06 RENAULT Mégane2 Modus Scenic2 Thalia SUZUKI Jimny 15 DDIS 05
R04201D EJBR04201D MERCEDES C200 C220 E200 E220 Engine CDI Engine CDI
R01401Z R01701Z R02101Z R04101D RENAULT Kangoo Modus Clio Engine 15c DCI Type K9K700&704&710
R01801A R01801Z NISSAN Almera 15 DCI 03 Micra 15 DCI 03 RENAULT Clio2 Kangoo Megane2 Scenic2 Engine 15DCI type K9K702&710&722&728&729
EJBR03101D EJBR05101D EJBR05102D DACIA Logan 15c DCI 06 NISSAN Note 15 DCI 06 RENAULT Mégane2 Modus Scenic2 Thalia SUZUKI Jimny 15 DDIS 05
EJB R03 101D EJB R05 101D EJB R05 102D DACIA Logan 15c DCI 06 NISSAN Note 15 DCI 06 RENAULT Mégane2 Modus Scenic2 Thalia SUZUKI Jimny

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